SplicePlot: a tool for visualizing alternative splicing

SplicePlot is a tool for visualizing alternative splicing and the effects of splicing quantitative trait loci (sQTLs) from RNA-seq data. It provides a simple command line interface for drawing sashimi plots, hive plots, and structure plots of alternative splicing events from .bam, .gtf, and .vcf files.


30 July 2013: Version 1.0 available here

14 October 2013: Version 1.1 is now available. Check the Github page for changes.


Python requirements:

Other requirements:

  • SAMtools must be installed and be in your $PATH
  • Tabix must be installed and be in your $PATH

Source Code


  1. Install the above dependencies.
  2. Download the SplicePlot.zip and unpack the archive in the desired directory
  3. Check if all of the necessary Python packages are available by running the command python check_module_availability.py in the SplicePlot directory.

VirtualBox Virtual Machine Instructions

  1. Download VirtualBox and install it.

  2. Download the SplicePlot Ubuntu virtual machine from here.

  3. Open VirtualBox, and import the virtual machine.

  4. Start up the virtual machine. Open a terminal window, and SplicePlot can be run from the command line.

Testing SplicePlot

A sample pickle file containing simulated data has been provided in the directory test_files. To test SplicePlot, run the command python plot.py test_files/test.p pickle settings_file in the SplicePlot directory. If all goes well, three plots should appear in the plots directory.

A sample table file containing simulated data is also provided in test_files. Run teh command python plot.py test_files/test_table table settings_file in the SplicePlot directory. If all goes well, two plots should appear in the plots directory.


Sashimi plots


Sashimi plots first appeared as a part of the MISO package developed by Katz et. al. in 2010. They allow for the easy comparison of read depth, alternative splicing, and isoform structure between individual RNA-seq samples.

SplicePlot produces modified sashimi plots for the visualization of sQTLs in a population. Rather than plotting data for each individual sample, SplicePlot groups the samples by genotype at a particular locus and then plots averages by genotype. This allows for the comparison of alternative splicing and isoform structure between groups within a population.

The average read depths (average number of reads covering each base) and the average number of reads spanning each splice junction are then calculated for each group from the mapped reads. Average read depths, expressed in number of reads, are plotted and color coded based on genotype, which is labelled in the upper right corner. The reads spanning each junction are represented by arcs linking exonic regions, and each arc is labelled with the average number of reads spanning that particular junction. The thickness of each arc is proportional to the average number of reads spanning the particular junction. At the bottom of the plot, possible mRNAs are drawn, allowing for the easy comparison of isoform structure. The title of the plot corresponds to the particular locus being plotted.

Splicing ratios

Both the hive plot (Hive plots) and structure plot (Structure plots) rely on the splicing ratio, defined below. Intuitively, the splicing ratio is the ratio of reads spanning a particular splice junction to the total number of reads containing the same 5’ splice site (or, alternatively, the same 3’ splice site).

\textit{splicing ratio} = \frac{\textit{reads spanning junction}}{\textit{total number of reads sharing the same splice site}}

The sum of all of the splicing ratios for a given 5’ (or 3’) splice site should be 1. For example, for the transcript with two alternative isoforms illustrated below,


the splicing ratios would be

\textrm{SR}_{E1-E2} &= \frac{\textrm{reads spanning E1-E2}}{\textrm{reads spanning E1-E2} + \textrm{reads spanning E1-E3}}\\\\
\textrm{SR}_{E1-E3} &= \frac{\textrm{reads spanning E1-E3}}{\textrm{reads spanning E1-E2} + \textrm{reads spanning E1-E3}}

Hive plots


Hive plots provide an easy way to compare splicing ratios across a population. Each individual is represented as a set of connected arcs going around the plot, color coded by the individual’s genotype at a particular locus. On each of the radial axes, the splicing ratios for a particular splice junction are shown, and the distance from the center of the plot is proportional to the magnitude of the splicing ratio. Each axis is labelled with the name (chromosome and coordinates) of the splice junction.

Structure plots


Structure plots are an alternate way of visualizing splicing ratios and comparing them across a population. Here, individuals are spatially grouped by their genotype at a particular locus. Splicing ratios for each individual are illustrated with vertically stacked bars, with the height of each bar representing the splicing ratio for a particular junction. The bars are color coded by junction.

Running SplicePlot

From raw data

Input files

SplicePlot requires several text files as input:

  1. A .vcf file which has been sorted, bgzipped, and indexed using tabix. To prepare this from an original .vcf file called sample.vcf, first sort the .vcf file by position. This can be done using vcf-sort from VCFtools. Then run the command bgzip sample.vcf, followed by the command tabix -p vcf sample.vcf.gz These commands will produce two files, sample.vcf.gz, which is the bgzipped version of sample.vcf, and sample.vcf.gz.tbi, which is the tabix index file for sample.vcf.

  2. A .gtf annotation file containing only exons which has been sorted by position, bgzipped, and then indexed using tabix. The .gtf file can be downloaded from online sources like UCSC, or created manually. To process a .gtf file into the format required by SplicePlot, run the command python prepare_annotation.py input.gtf output.gtf This command will produce a bgzipped file called output.gtf.gz and tabix index file called output.gtf.gz.tbi. The annotation file can also be filtered and sorted by the user using utilities like sort and awk, and then compressed and indexed using bgzip and tabix.

  3. .bam files containing the aligned RNA-seq data. These files should have been produced by a mapper that is capable of mapping reads spanning alternative splicing junctions, such as Tophat or STAR. The .bam files must be sorted by position, which can be accomplished using the command samtools sort in.bam out.bam, and indexed (must have corresponding .bai file in the same directory), which can be accomplished using the command samtools index alignment.bam.

  4. A mapping file which assigns the individual IDs from the .vcf to file paths for the .bam files. The first column contains the individual ID from the .vcf file, and the second column contains the location of the .bam file corresponding to that individual. The columns are separated by some sort of whitespace, preferably tabs. An example:

    Individual_ID /path/to/bam/file.bam
    Another_ID /path/to/other/bam/file.bam


Different databases may name their chromosomes differently. For example, chromosome 1 may be named chr1 in one annotation and 1 in another. Try to keep the naming conventions consistent in your input files. When inputting genomic coordinates into SplicePlot, make sure to use names consistent with those in your input files, or you may get some unexpected errors.

Drawing the plots

In order to run, SplicePlot must first extract and pickle the data relevant to a particular junction and SNP. After the data is extracted from the original files and pickled, the plotter loads the data and creates the images in .svg format.

  1. Prepare the input files according to the specifications in Input files.
  2. Extract the features and write them to a pickle file using the command similar to python initialize_data.py chr1:10583 chr1:17055-17915,chr1:17055-17606,chr1:17055-17233 --vcf vcf_file.vcf.gz --gtf gtf_file.gtf.gz --mf map_file.txt The first positional argument is the location of the SNP, in the format chromosome:position. The second positional argument provides the name of the junction being plotted, in the format chromosome:lower_splice_site-upper_splice_site,chromosome:lower_splice_site-upper_splice_site. The --vcf argument provides the location of the .vcf.gz file produced by bgzip, and the --gtf argument provides the location of the .gtf.gz file produced by prepare_annotation.py. The --mf argument provides the location of the mapping file. There is an optional argument --output which allows the user to specify the location and name of the resulting pickle file. By default, the pickle file is stored in the pickle_files directory within the SplicePlot directory, and is named according to the SNP location and the provided junction name.
  3. Draw the plots using a command similar to python plot.py pickle/file/location.p pickle settings_file The structure of the settings file is detailed below in Creating the plot settings file, and a sample settings file is located in the SplicePlot directory. By default, the plots are saved to the plots directory within SplicePlot. There is an optional --output argument which allows the output directory to be specified.

Finding junctions from .BAM files

SplicePlot can find and output possible alternative splicing junctions within a provided window.

Run the command python junctions_from_window.py chr1:10000-chr1-20000 map/file/path. The first positional argument is the window, in the format chromosome:lower_bound-upper_bound, and the second positional argument is the location of the mapping file. This mapping file has the same format as the mapping file provided to initialize_data.py

This script will find all alternative junctions present in any of the provided BAM files.

From precalculated splicing ratios

Formatting the table

The table has the following format:

indiv   genotype        CD46:207940540-207940952        CD46:207940540-207941124        CD46:207940540-207943666
snia000367      GT      0.0147783251231527      0.574384236453202       0.410837438423645
snia000398      TT      0.0195121951219512      0.808130081300813       0.172357723577236
snia000650      TT      0.0335195530726257      0.815642458100559       0.150837988826816
snia000899      GT      0.0153061224489796      0.512244897959184       0.472448979591837

The columns are separated by tabs. Individual ID is placed in the first column, genotype in the second, and splicing ratios in the remaining columns.

Drawing the plots

Draw the plots using a command similar to python plot.py pickle/file/location/table table settings_file. The structure of the settings file is detailed below in Creating the plot settings file, and a sample settings file is located in the SplicePlot directory. By default, the plots are saved to the plots directory within SplicePlot. There is an optional --ouput argument which allows the output directory to be specified. Note that only hive plots and structure plots can be created from table.

Creating the plot settings file

Plotting parameters such as dimensions and font sizes are passed to SplicePlot using a settings file. An example settings file is located in the SplicePlot directory and is shown below:

############ settings for drawing hive plot #################

# Whether or not a hive plot will be drawn
draw_hive_plot = True

# size of the plot in inches
dimension = 8

# tick mark settings
# boolean determining whether tick marks are drawn
tick_marks = True

# font size of the tick labels in inches. Set to 0 if you do not want tick labels
tick_label_font_size = 0.175

# distance of the tick labels from the axis in inches
tick_label_distance = 0.175

# height of each tick in inches
tick_height = 0.08

# thickness (weight) of each tick in inches
tick_thickness = 0.01

# axis settings
# start radius of axis in inches. Measured from the center of the plot
axis_start_radius = 0.3

# end radius of axis in inches. Measured from the center of the plot
axis_end_radius = 2.75

# string containing hexadecimal value for the axis color
axis_colors = '#000000'

# list containing the radii for each of the axis labels in inches, measured from center of the plot
axis_label_radius = [3.25,3.25,3.25]

# determines the font size of the axis labels, in inches
axis_label_size = 0.2

# determines the thickness of the axes, in inches
axis_thickness = 0.05

# determines the size of the subdivisions of the axis for tick marks
axis_subdivision = 0.25

# list containing the angles of each axis, in degrees. 0 is 3 o'clock
axis_angles = [90,210,330]

# list containing lists which determine the lower and upper bounds for each axis
# set to [] if you do not want to use a custom scale
custom_scale = [[0,1],[0,1],[0,1]]

# bezier curve settings
# list containing hexadecimal strings for the colors of the bezier curves
bezier_colors = ['#FF8000','#00C866','#3399FF']

# determines the thickness of the beziers, in inches
bezier_thickness = 0.015

# key settings
# boolean determining whether a key should be drawn
include_key = True

# determines the font size of the key title, in inches
key_title_size = .25

# 2-element list containing the cartesian coordinates of the key, in inches. (0,0) is the center of the plot
key_position = [1,2]

# determines the font size of the text in the key, in inches
key_font_size = .2

# hexadecimal string determining the color of the font in the plot key
key_text_color = '#000000'

########### settings for structure plot ###################

# basic settings
draw_struct_plot = True

# dimensions in inches

# amount of white space to leave on the left side, in inches

# amount of white space to leave on the right side of the plot in inches.
# Note that the key, if drawn, will be in this white space

# amount of white space to leave on the top, in inches

# amount of white space to leave on the bottom, in inches

# colors for each junction. Must have as many colors as there are junctions in the data

# color for the axis

# thickness for the axes, in inches

# length of each tick mark in inches. Set to 0 if you do not want tick marks

# size of the labels for the horizontal (x) axis in inches. Set to 0 if you do not want labels

# distance that horizontal axis labels are below the x axis, in inches

# font size for horizontal axis title in inches. Set to 0 if you do not want horizontal axis title

# distance that horizontal axis title is below the x axis, in inches

# determines whether or not tick marks are drawn for the vertical (y) axis

# spacing between tick marks on the vertical axis. must be between 0 and 1

# font size for vertical axis labels, in inches. Set to 0 if you do not want labels

# distance that vertical axis labels are drawn away from the vertical axis in inches

# settings for structure plot key
include_key = True

# determines the font size of the key title. Use 0 if you do not want title
key_title_size = 0

# 2-element list containing the cartesian coordinates of the key in inches. (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the plot
key_position = [6,2.25]

# list containing the labels for each color in the key. Set to None if you want to use the default labels
key_labels = None

# determines the font size of the text in the key, in inches
key_font_size = 0.2

# hexadecimal string for the color of the font in the plot key
key_text_color = '#000000'

######### settings for sashimi plot ##############

draw_sashimi_plot = True

# width of the sashimi plot, in inches
width = 4

# height of the sashimi plot, in inches
height = 2.5

# title. None means no title, '' means use default title, 'asdf' means title is 'asdf', etc
plot_title = None

# scaling factor for intronic regions. A larger intron_scale makes the intronic regions smaller
intron_scale = 15

# scaling factor for exonic regions. A larger exon_scale makes the exonic regions smaller
exon_scale = 1

# colors for the different pileups, in hex
colors = ['#FF8000','#00C866','#3399FF']

# maximum value on the y-scale
ymax = 1800

# determines whether the average junction-spanning read counts are shown

# determine the font size of the numbering for the junction-spanning reads
numbering_font_size = 6


# determines the thickness of the junction-spanning beziers
junction_log_base = 10

# determines whether to reverse the plot if features are on the - strand
reverse_minus = False

font_size = 6

# number of ticks on the y-axis
nyticks = 2

# number of ticks on the x-axis
nxticks = 4

# determines whether y-axis labels are drawn
show_ylabel = True

# determines whether x-axis labels are drawn
show_xlabel = True

Common Errors

  1. ``initialize_data.py`` fails to run.

    • Check to make sure that your argument for the variant position is correct, and that there is indeed a SNP in the .vcf file at that position. Also, make sure that the chromosome has been named correctly in your argument for the variant position (i.e. the chromosome name matches the name in the .vcf file).
    • Check to make sure that your argument for the junction name is correct. Make sure that the chromosome names in your argument for the junction match the names for the chromosome in the .gtf file.
  2. ``initialize_data.py`` fails, with an error “X is not a valid splice site”

    • Splice sites provided to initialize_data.py must have either a common donor or common acceptor.


  1. Hubisz, M. J., Falush, D., Stephens, M. & Pritchard, J. K. Inferring weak population structure with the assistance of sample group information. Molecular Ecology Resources 9, 1322–1332 (2009).
  2. Katz, Y., Wang, E. T., Airoldi, E. M. & Burge, C. B. Analysis and design of RNA sequencing experiments for identifying isoform regulation. Nature Methods 7, 1009–1015 (2010).
  3. Katz, Y. et al. Sashimi plots: Quantitative visualization of RNA sequencing read alignments. arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.3466 (2013). at <http://arxiv.org/abs/1306.3466>
  4. Krzywinski, M., Birol, I., Jones, S. J. & Marra, M. A. Hive plots–rational approach to visualizing networks. Briefings in Bioinformatics 13, 627–644 (2011).