This site provides the code and files necessary to replicate allele-specific expression (ASE) detection from mmPCR-Seq data published in the Kukurba, et al. paper. The steps outlined below shows how to call variants from expression data and test for ASE to identify loci with allelic imbalance at the expression level. The final output (ase.txt file) is equivalent to the processed files available on the Gene Expression Omnibus (GSE51769). These steps can be applied to to other expression data sets.
Install the above dependencies.
Download the script to the desired directory
a. Modify the line below to point to where R is installed.
my $RLOC = "/usr/software/R/R-2.12.0/bin/R";
b. Modify the line below to point to the directory where this file is located.
my $gencode_data_file = "/usr/resources/gencode.v7.annotation.gtf";
Prior to detecting allele-specific expression, the raw data needs be aligned to the reference genome and requires the following files as input:
Description: This command will align the fastq files downloaded from GEO to the human reference genome.
Input: .fq file
Output: .sam file
STAR ---genomeDir [GENOME_DIR] --readFilesIn [FASTQ_FILE] --runThreadN [N] --genomeLoad LoadAndKeep --outFileNamePrefix [OUTPUT_PREFIX]. --outFilterScoreMin [N] --outFilterScoreMinOverLread [N] --outFilterMatchNmin [N] -- outFilterMatchNminOverLread [N]Example:
STAR --genomeDir genomes/hg19_STAR_junctions --readFilesIn Cerebr-rep1_S2_L001_R1_001.fastq --runThreadN 4 --genomeLoad LoadAndKeep --outFileNamePrefix index1.R1. --outFilterScoreMin 0 --outFilterScoreMinOverLread 0 --outFilterMatchNmin 0 -- outFilterMatchNminOverLread 0
Description: This command will convert the aligned .sam file to a .bam file, which is necessary for ASE detection later.
Input: .sam file
Output: .bam file
samtools view -S -b -o [OUTPUT_FILE] [INPUT_FILE]Example:
samtools view -S -b -o index1.R1.bam index1.R1.sam
To detect allele-specific expression, the following files are required as input:
Description: This command will sort the aligned .bam files by the leftmost coordinate positions.
Input: Aligned .bam file
Output: Sorted .bam file
samtools sort [INPUT_FILE] [OUTPUT_FILE]Example:
samtools sort index1.bam index1.sorted
Description: This command will call variants in the RNA-Seq data by transposing the aligned data for the heterozygous positions specified for the individual.
Input: Sorted .bam file, .vcf file, reference FASTA file
Output: Pileup file
samtools mpileup -s -B -f [REF_FILE] [INPUT_FILE] -l [VCF_FILE] > [OUTPUT_FILE]Example:
samtools mpileup -B -f hg19.fa index1.sorted.bam -l individual.hets.vcf > index1.pileup.txt
- Options:
-B Disable probabilistic realignment for the computation of base alignment quality -l Position list file containing a list of sites where pileup should be generated
Description: This command will parse the mpileup file into an easily readable format.
Input: Pileup file, .vcf file
Output: Parsed pileup file, .vcf file
perl -parse_pileup --sp [INPUT_FILE] –vcf [VCF_FILE] > [OUTPUT_FILE]Example:
perl -parse_pileup --sp index1.pileup.txt –vcf individual.hets.vcf > index1.parsed_pileup.txt
Description: This command will map each variant to an annotated gene. This is useful so you know which genes the SNPs are testing for ASE later. The location of the annotation file (e.g. gencode.v16.gtf) needs to be indicated the script.
Input: .vcf file
Output: Gene/snp mapping file
perl --get_gene_snp_mapping_file --use_gencode -is [VCF_FILE] > [OUTPUT_FILE]Example:
perl --get_gene_snp_mapping_file --use_gencode -is individual.hets.vcf > gene_snp_mapping_file.txt
Description: This command will conduct a binomial test using the SNP positions specified in the .vcf file.
Input: .vcf file, parsed pileup file, gene/snp mapping file
Output: ASE binomial test file. The output files will be equivalent to the processed files that can be downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GSE51769).
perl --calculate_ase_normal --pp [PARSED_PILEUP_FILE] –is [VCF_FILE] -r 0.5 –gf [GENE_SNP_MAPPING_FILE] > [OUTPUT_FILE]Example:
perl --calculate_ase_normal --pp index1.parsed_pileup.txt –is individual.hets.vcf -r 0.56 –gf gene_snp_mapping_file.txt -mrs 20 -bq 10 > index1.ase.txt
- Options:
-r Expected reference to non-reference allele mapping ratio -mrs Minimum number of reads before a test for ASE will be performed -bq Minimum base quality tolerated